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We believe in being transparent about how we enhance your browsing experience.

That's why we use cookies to provide better service during your visit. These small information files are stored on your device when you access our website, allowing us to remembeence.

What cookies does Pulsed use?

• Functional cookies: These cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website. They ensure, for example, that the desired information is displayed quickly and correctly, and save your preferences for language and login status, among other things. Permission does not need to be requested to place functional cookies.

• Analytical cookies: We use these cookies to analyse how our website is used. For example, how often pages on the website are visited, which page you arrive at on our website, how long you visit pages on our site, and which pages you click through to. Statistics are made from this information. With this, we can assess how and where we can improve our site to make it as user-friendly as possible for you. Pulsed uses Google Analytics for this purpose. We do not store personal data with these analytical cookies, so you do not need to give permission for this.

Social media cookies for sharing information

The articles and videos you view on our website can be shared via social media using buttons. For the functioning of these buttons, Pulsed uses cookies from social media parties so that they recognize you when you want to share an article or video. For the cookies that the social media parties place and the possible data they collect with them, we refer you to the statements these parties provide on their own websites: see the links below. Pulsed has no influence on this. Note that these statements can change regularly.

Advertisement cookies (tracking cookies)

• Google Chrome
• Firefox
• Internet Explorer
• Safari
• Opera

Pulsed uses the services of third parties, such as Google AdWords, to display relevant advertisements for our courses, tailored to your website visits and the pages visited there. We need your permission for this type of cookie. Not accepting cookies on our website means that you will not see interesting Pulsed advertisements that are based on your website visits. This does not mean that you will not see any Pulsed advertisements at all, as Pulsed also uses general advertisements that are not based on your surfing behaviour.

Cookies are stored on your computer, and you can delete them at any time. This is very easy to do. Click on one of the browsers below to go directly to your browser's guide. Please note that after deleting cookies, you may have to reset your preferences or log in again on some websites.

Pulsed Privacy Statement

Pulsed handles your privacy and personal data carefully. You can read how we do this in the Pulsed Privacy Statement.

Do you have any questions or comments?


Let's get in touch

We are looking forward to starting a conversation with you! It does not matter if you are a student, a parent, a higher education professional, a company representative, or a cat: drop a line via WhatsApp, email or just simply fill in the form. Take your pick, it's all good.

WhatsApp: +31 6 13701462
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