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Our journey of making Adly! A One-Stop Service Application for people to advertise in their desired city.

company adventure @Here Technologies

Embrace students Sunny, Levi & Louis telling us about their experience at Here Technologies


As a secondary school graduate, choosing the next step in your education may feel like a scary leap. Nothing to worry about: Pulsed Empower is here to support you. This inspiring, challenging program enables secondary school graduates to uncover their uniqueness and put it to satisfying use. Empower focuses on your wants, needs and abilities and helps you find the direction that fits you like a glove.

Empower is all about the strength of creating. The emphasis is on learning through experiencing, doing, sometimes failing, and starting all over to finally succeeding. That is why books are optional, not mandatory. Empower turns every day into an innovative field trip filled with technology, entrepreneurship, and creativity. At the same time, you stay socially connected with other students and lecturers.

Our journey of making Adly! A One-Stop Service Application for people to advertise in their desired city. 

Motivation for doing the project.

We wanted to experience how it feels like to work at an International Company. While pursuing the Company Adventure track, during the Minor Embrace TEC, we got the amazing opportunity to work with HERE Technologies - The world's #1 location platform that provides mapping, rich location data and other related intelligent services to individuals and companies. The company and their assignment perfectly suited our personal goals and core values.

The team - Sunny, Levi & Louis

The impact you wish to make with your project.

Our aim is to create an One-Stop Service Application for people to Advertise in their desired city. Currently there is no tool that can help advertisers visualise t he available advertising spots in the city of Eindhoven.

Adly, the app that we designed serves as the intermediary between people and/or companies that would like to advertise and the companies that offer the advertisement services. The App uses a central database to give information regarding all available advertising spots in the city. Adly - offers the end users a range of options to advertise like Europanels, 2Signs, Abri’s and provides clear details on the price and due-dates etc.

Highlights of the app designs

Biggest learnings and obstacles faced during the process.

One of our biggest obstacles while working on our assignment would definitely be the situation with the Covid-19 virus, which required us to work from home. This situation really had a big impact on our overall communication but we solved this by coming up with a clear working structure, planning and making use of multiple software programs that allowed us to work together in an online environment.

Intro slide of the presentation

Storyboard of the process

Screenshot of one of the meetings

Pulsed for Good

Smashing the status quo, breaking the mould, shaping a new one … just to break it again. Our fast-paced, ever-changing world demands equally evolving education. That is why Fontys Pulsed Academy puts its daring spin on it, based on better, broader, exciting design-based learning. Our curriculum is never finished, our thirst for knowledge and skills is never quenched, and our ambition is never fully achieved.

Fontys Pulsed Academy offers student-centred, talented-based teaching approaches captured in five act-provoking programs. These are primarily aimed at a challenging cocktail of technology & craftmanship, entrepreneurship & business, and design & creativity. Additionally, we offer expeditions for educators to take ownership and (re)design the education of their institute.

As a secondary school graduate, choosing the next step in your education may feel like a scary leap. Nothing to worry about: Pulsed Empower is here to support you. This inspiring, challenging program enables secondary school graduates to uncover their uniqueness and put it to satisfying use. Empower focuses on your wants, needs and abilities and helps you find the direction that fits you like a glove.

Empower is all about the strength of creating. The emphasis is on learning through experiencing, doing, sometimes failing, and starting all over to finally succeeding. That is why books are optional, not mandatory. Empower turns every day into an innovative field trip filled with technology, entrepreneurship, and creativity. At the same time, you stay socially connected with other students and lecturers.

Pulsed for Good

Smashing the status quo, breaking the mould, shaping a new one … just to break it again. Our fast-paced, ever-changing world demands equally evolving education. That is why Fontys Pulsed Academy puts its daring spin on it, based on better, broader, exciting design-based learning. Our curriculum is never finished, our thirst for knowledge and skills is never quenched, and our ambition is never fully achieved.

Fontys Pulsed Academy offers student-centred, talented-based teaching approaches captured in five act-provoking programs. These are primarily aimed at a challenging cocktail of technology & craftmanship, entrepreneurship & business, and design & creativity. Additionally, we offer expeditions for educators to take ownership and (re)design the education of their institute.

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