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Study: Communication & Design Home country: The Netherlands

Nick Fuhren

Nick Fuhren with a camera taking a picture of himself.


As a secondary school graduate, choosing the next step in your education may feel like a scary leap. Nothing to worry about: Pulsed Empower is here to support you. This inspiring, challenging program enables secondary school graduates to uncover their uniqueness and put it to satisfying use. Empower focuses on your wants, needs and abilities and helps you find the direction that fits you like a glove.

Empower is all about the strength of creating. The emphasis is on learning through experiencing, doing, sometimes failing, and starting all over to finally succeeding. That is why books are optional, not mandatory. Empower turns every day into an innovative field trip filled with technology, entrepreneurship, and creativity. At the same time, you stay socially connected with other students and lecturers.

I got the opportunity and confidence to dig into the things I always wanted to but never got a chance to do in my major.

What made you choose this minor?

Initially, I chose this minor for technology & creativity and not so much for the entrepreneurship, because I really didn’t know what it was. I started to enjoy learning about Entrepreneurship during the minor and it helped to lay the foundation for my own venture.

Can you share the experience of your future solution?

The future solution started with my grandmother. She has dementia. For me it was very personal; I had a hard time in connecting with her. She didn’t respond to me. I could talk to her, but she didn’t talk back. And, this inspired me to do something to get a little closer to her. As I spent more time with my grandmother, I noticed she was happy if she relived, in some way, her memories. She connected best with smells and it brought back memories of when she was young. So, I decided to do something with the senses. My future solution became a box where people with Alzheimer's could smell nostalgic fragrance like coffee beans, fresh linen, etc. Once they recognise the smell, they connect it to an image of the memory, like an old coffee cup. It really gives them joy when they receive something they’re familiar with.

How did the minor help you further?

I had a lot of learning goals. But every time I use to plan something, I didn’t set any deadlines and it use to end up taking more time than I expected. The most valuable takeaway for me from the minor was the advice I got from my coach, Erik. He told me, if I scheduled my plans, I could learn a lot more and reach my goals faster.

Any future advice that you would like to share.

I like the way they work here at Pulsed. At my school, most of the courses were between strict lines. In this minor, I got the opportunity and confidence to dig into things I always wanted to but never got a chance to do in my major. So, if you want to explore your fascinations and do whatever it is that you really want to do, then you should choose this minor and the coaches will help you reach your goals.

Pulsed for Good

Smashing the status quo, breaking the mould, shaping a new one … just to break it again. Our fast-paced, ever-changing world demands equally evolving education. That is why Fontys Pulsed Academy puts its daring spin on it, based on better, broader, exciting design-based learning. Our curriculum is never finished, our thirst for knowledge and skills is never quenched, and our ambition is never fully achieved.

Fontys Pulsed Academy offers student-centred, talented-based teaching approaches captured in five act-provoking programs. These are primarily aimed at a challenging cocktail of technology & craftmanship, entrepreneurship & business, and design & creativity. Additionally, we offer expeditions for educators to take ownership and (re)design the education of their institute.

As a secondary school graduate, choosing the next step in your education may feel like a scary leap. Nothing to worry about: Pulsed Empower is here to support you. This inspiring, challenging program enables secondary school graduates to uncover their uniqueness and put it to satisfying use. Empower focuses on your wants, needs and abilities and helps you find the direction that fits you like a glove.

Empower is all about the strength of creating. The emphasis is on learning through experiencing, doing, sometimes failing, and starting all over to finally succeeding. That is why books are optional, not mandatory. Empower turns every day into an innovative field trip filled with technology, entrepreneurship, and creativity. At the same time, you stay socially connected with other students and lecturers.

Pulsed for Good

Smashing the status quo, breaking the mould, shaping a new one … just to break it again. Our fast-paced, ever-changing world demands equally evolving education. That is why Fontys Pulsed Academy puts its daring spin on it, based on better, broader, exciting design-based learning. Our curriculum is never finished, our thirst for knowledge and skills is never quenched, and our ambition is never fully achieved.

Fontys Pulsed Academy offers student-centred, talented-based teaching approaches captured in five act-provoking programs. These are primarily aimed at a challenging cocktail of technology & craftmanship, entrepreneurship & business, and design & creativity. Additionally, we offer expeditions for educators to take ownership and (re)design the education of their institute.

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